Youth Team
Free Registration (Boys & Girls Birth Years 2008 - 2018)
Currently, we are looking to recruit youth players U6 – U15 and above. The teams will begin competing in the Spring of 2024. All players are welcome to register, and once in the program, they will commence training as soon as possible in anticipation for the start of the season. Our training will emphasize on technical development and allow players to feel comfortable and creative with the soccer ball.
In consideration of Inter Wichita and granting the player permission to participate, I (Parent/Guardian) hereby state that Inter Wichita is not responsible for any pre-existing injury, recurrence of any undisclosed pre-existing injury or illness of the above player. Inter Wichita is not responsible for any injury or illness that occurs. I further acknowledge and release the Inter Wichita’s board, coaches, trainers and all their instructors and all participants in said youth team activities, from liability, including claims and suits at law or in equity, for injury which may result from the player taking part in Inter Wichita youth team activities.
I (Parent/Guardian), acknowledge and fully understand that the participant will be engaging in activities that involve risk of serious injury. Further, that there may be other risks not known or not reasonably foreseen at this time. I assume all the foregoing risks and accept personal responsibility for the damages following such injury, permanent disability or death. I release, waive, discharge and covenant not to bring legal action upon the Inter Wichita officers, employees, contractors, agents, all instructors, all participants and anyone associated with its operation.
Youth Camp
Sunday, June 2nd
Learn techniques & skills to become a great soccer player. The camp is led by coach Noah Vezzu. Originally from London, England, Noah graduated from Newberry College in South Carolina where he was also a player and captain of the men’s soccer team. Before that he had been a student-athlete at St. Louis Community College. Noah played his academy football at Crystal Palace Football Club.
Currently, Noah is a graduate assistant at Southwestern College for the men’s soccer team, whilst getting his MBA and also the head coach for International Wichita FC first team. He brings vast experience as a player, leader and coach.

Frequently Asked Questions
Currently, the Inter Wichita Youth Program is accepting Boys and girls aged U6 – U15. The program is set to start competing in the Spring of 2024.
Participants are placed on teams based on their age and requests. The information you will eventually provide on the registration questionnaire plays a large role in how teams will be drafted.
We aim to start competing in the spring of 2024.
No worries! For more questions, please email us: [email protected]. You can also call us at (316) 202-9690.